Rubber Panel Systems for Arranging of Level Crossings
- Rubber panel systems are special tracks that are used for arranging the intersections of railroads and roads in level.
- The product enables exploitation mode of carrying, durability and continuance in very complex conditions of strain.
- Reliable and easy transition of vehicles and pedestrians accross tracks in level.
- Special design, enabled setting of horizontal signalization.
- Advantages: complete independance of technical units, easier manipulation of storage and transport, possible making of level crossing without interrupting supporting structure, replacing of worn or damaged parts without dismounting the panel system, more efficient mounting on site with les workers and equipment, longer duration and protection of critical parts of rubber mass with the effect of inner rails (double rails).
- Elements of rubber panel system lean on track shoes, which must be mounted on the proper distance of 60,0 cm. Width of modules of mounting-dismounting rubber panels are 60,0 cm and 120,0 cm.
- Rubber panel systems for arrangement of level crossings are suitable for all demands of the Rule book on intersections of railroads androads and as of the Rule book on maintenance of superstructure of rails.